Shelter Animals Supported by Longview Office
March 26, 2024
Linebarger was a sponsor for this year’s Strut Your Mutt Fundraiser, an event that raises money for the Longview PAWS (Pets Are Worth Saving) animal shelter. The March event hosted a one-mile fun walk to raise funds for the shelter, in addition to vendors, kids’ activities and live music.

Linebarger employees in the North Texas area volunteered for the event, including Manager Bill Webster and Attorney Lana Choy from the Tyler office and Longview Partner Staci Killingsworth. This year’s efforts raised nearly $40,000, beating last year’s record.
Bill, who serves as Treasurer for the PAWS board is a long-time volunteer for the organization. “It’s a privilege to advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves, and in doing so, we can help provide hope, kindness, and second chances for our beloved companions,” he says.